Community Champions Application - Introduction
Lincolnshire Co-ops’ Community Champions scheme is for local community groups and charities wishing to receive support from us. We welcome applications from all groups who make life better for their community. For example; environment projects, health and wellbeing groups, community venues, schools and young people’s groups.
We’re slightly different to other funders as there is not a set amount you can apply for, however, we aim that each group will receive between £500 - £1,000. We don’t know how much has been raised until the end of the fundraising period as it’s based on a number of factors including colleague fundraising, store collections, a percentage of carrier bag proceeds and most importantly – every time a member shops and uses their dividend card a donation goes to their local Community Champion.
Who can apply?
Any charity, community group, not-for-profit, co-operative, school or council.
Groups must be located near to one of our branches in Lincolnshire and surrounding counties (if you’re not sure then please visit the store finder on our website ).
We’ll consider regional or national charities where there is a local branch or project or local people are benefitting.
All groups must have a constitution and bank account with at least two signatories.
We give preference to established groups so new causes may be asked to reapply at a later date.
What can groups apply for?
Items of equipment such as tables, crockery, gardening tools, laptops and tablets, craft materials etc.
Community events.
Running costs such as hall hire, insurance, petrol for community car schemes, refreshments etc. however please note we will not pay for wages.
What won’t be considered?
Groups who have been a Community Champions in the previous two years.
Political groups or activities.
Applications from individuals.
Applications from any business or for-profit organisation.
Organisations/events whose primary aim is to raise funds to redistribute to others.
General contributions to large appeals.
International charities.
If successful, you’ll have the choice of receiving your donation through BACS, in Lincolnshire Co-op vouchers or a combination of both (50/50). When choosing our vouchers, we’ll increase your donation by 10%. eg. £500 would become £550.
‘BACS payment and vouchers will usually be sent within 6 weeks of the end of the fundraising period, please note that we do not process BACS payments to an individual’s bank account.
Application process
Each of our outlets is linked to local Community Champions, these usually change each quarter. The closing date for the quarter you’re applying for will be on the application form.
After the closing date the Lincolnshire Co-op Community team will shortlist applications. We’ll take into account the criteria previously mentioned such as where the group is based and what the money will be used for. Additionally, if we have large numbers of applications, we may also consider: the number of people supported in the community, how much the project benefits the community and how quickly our money will impact the community. If your application is unsuccessful at this stage, we will let you know whether you are able to reapply again in the future.
As a co-op it’s important to us that our members are given the opportunity to choose the charities they will be supporting. Therefore, if we have more applications than needed, this will be put to a vote by our dividend card holders (members). Voting takes place online and we’ll notify all groups of the dates of voting so they can encourage their supporters to vote.
On the application form we ask for you to briefly explain, in 400 characters or less, what your group does and how you would use the money if successful (we reserve the right to edit). These words will be made public to during the vote. Once voting closes we will inform groups of the outcome. We like to support as many groups within our communities, so it is likely you’ll be joint Community Champions in your local branch. In the case of joint Community Champions all money raised will be split equally.
If you’re successful in the voting process, we’ll email you confirmation of which branches will be fundraising for your group.
If you’re unsuccessful we’ll inform you by email. But you can re-apply for Community Champions in future periods.
It is compulsory that your application is supported by 5 dividend card holders of Lincolnshire Co-op, the applicant’s card number can count towards the 5 members. Note: Lincolnshire Co-op member numbers are 6 digits, we don’t accept other co-op membership numbers.
Additional Funding & Data sharing
We may also be able to increase the money raised for your group through donations at till point and by working with Lincolnshire Community Foundation. On the application form we will ask you to give permission for us to share your data with Lincolnshire Community Foundation.
Support or change of details
If you want any help with the application please contact the Community team.
If any details of your application change please inform the Community team.
or call 01522 544632 during office hours.
IMPORTANT!! - Items required to apply
Once you start the application you’re not able to save it and go back, so please have these items handy:
Sort code, account number and bank account name (please note this must match exactly or else we may not be able to pay you)
Description of your group and what the money will be used for (no more than 400 characters)
Name and Lincolnshire Co-op Dividend Number for 5 supporters